In today’s fragmented digital channels, pulling consumers down to the sales funnels is a journey in itself. Advertisers must be present at every stage of the funnel, especially in the decision-making journey, in order to get more conversions. But it is not as simple as it sounds. They must weave their advertising strategy such that they can successfully pull the consumers down the sales funnel.
In order to drive results for top-of-the-funnel objectives like brand reach and brand awareness, brands need to ensure that they reach the right audience and bring them under their marketing foundation to nurture them further. For this, having the right targeting plays a crucial part. Thankfully, this is facilitated by the advanced technologies of the digital advertising world. One such technology known for its targeting capabilities is programmatic advertising. Programmatic advertising, through its myriad, niche and precise targeting capabilities, can help brands achieve this.
Combining The Power Of Programmatic and Paid Search Advertising
In the deeper stages of the funnel, prospects research heavily about the products and services they desire or they research the brands that provide these services. People search for products and services on search engines. With search advertising platforms like Google Ads & Bing Ads, advertisers can be present in front of their prospects in this research phase. Keywords play a crucial part in this. Also with programmatic advertising, advertisers can target these in-research prospects by leveraging the keywords they get from search campaigns. They should run keyword-based contextual targeting. In this, advertisers’ ads will be placed on the websites and apps where these keywords appear. This is a very targeted approach to reach the in-research audience.
Keeping these prospects engaged is also acts as a catalyst for conversions. Once the advertisers reach the right audience, they are more likely to be able to earn their interest in their products or offerings. Therefore, the chances of getting engagement in the form of clicks or any interaction are much higher within this set of the target audience. However, it may happen that some audiences have shown interest by clicking on the ad, but due to some reason have not completed the final goal like making the purchase or filling up the lead form. Such audiences can then be retargeted programmatically, creating a stronger brand impact and improving the brand recall at the time of purchase. As a matter of fact, the ones who haven’t clicked/interacted with the ad but have seen the ads can also be retargeted to nudge them a step further in the decision-making process and facilitate a brand recall when they finally decide to purchase.
How Programmatic Can Be Used For Paid Search Conversion Tracking and Retention
The real problem advertisers face is the conversion phase of the funnel. As multiple platforms are used for targeting the prospects at different stages of the funnel, it becomes difficult for advertisers to attribute the right source to the conversion which must have influenced the customer to take action. Programmatic advertising gives brands the power to track the conversion attribution. The tracking can be done through tracking techniques like Click Through Conversions (CTC) and View Through Conversions (VTC). A Click Through conversion happens in a linear way when a prospect sees your ad, clicks on it, and then converts. View-through conversions occur when a prospect views an ad or clicks on the ad but doesn’t convert at the very moment. Afterwards, due to brand recall and ad impact, prospects search about that product in the research phase or come across the product ads in other phases and then convert. This is a View Through Conversion and advertisers can track the attribution.
Programmatic advertising can also be used for customer retention of the audiences who have converted through various campaigns including PPC and programmatic. With the programmatic technique of Dynamic Creative Optimization (DCO), advertisers can target these customers with extremely personalized ads designed and optimized as per the users’ previous purchase, affinity and browsing history. Retargeting customers for upselling with such dynamically optimized creatives help to grab the eyeballs and stand out, which increases the chances of successful conversions.
Adding programmatic advertising to the paid search advertising can be a great way to reach audiences and cultivate them into loyal, paying customers. The data acquired through programmatic can be combined to give your PPC campaigns a boost and convert your prospects into loyal customers.