As per the latest KPMG 2017 report, the digital video ad spends in 2016 stood Rs 1,380 crore. With advertisers and brands which is rapidly in demand by creating special digital video ads, it is expected to increase their spends up to 40% (CAGR) by 2021. This will make digital video advertisement spends the second highest in the digital spends in India.
Ashish Shah, founder and CEO of Vertoz says that there is no doubt that video is going to rule the programmatic advertising for the next decade. As the report highlights how we create content out of box rather than cluttering the internet space with another run out of the mill video or any other format of online advertisements makes big difference for corporates and programmatic companies like us
The good news is that the pie of rural viewers is increasing due to high penetration of internet, as the much of the GDP is going to come from mini metros and tier-II and tier-III cities, the focus of the brands are also shifting to these cities. This will increase the scope for demand in regional content and the pie of regional advertising or monetizing regional content on our programmatic platforms will increase substantially
About DNA
Daily News and Analysis (DNA) is an Indian broadsheet newspaper launched in 2005 and published in English from Mumbai, Ahmedabad, Pune, Jaipur, Bengaluru and Indore in India. It is the first English broadsheet daily in India to introduce an all-colour page format. It targets a young readership and is owned and managed by Diligent Media Corporation.
Read full article here: DNA India
About Vertoz
Vertoz is the complete advertising and monetization suite. Programmatic advertising comprises of automated media buying, placement, and optimization of digital advertising, where both supply and demand partners are free from human intervention. Vertoz is among the top programmatic company that offers engaging and innovative advertising and monetizing solutions. Amongst all the top ad tech companies, we empower a global roster of top advertisers and publishers- all under one roof. We offer one-stop-shop for you! We only talk about programmatic advertising technology and we cater out finest ad buying system.
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