Finance Minister Piyush Goyal has announced the Interim Budget 2019 and the government’s focus on Digital India still strong. The budget makes way for the development of digital infrastructure and digital economy in India. India’s progress report on the path of digitization has shown good progress. India has shone as a leading country with respect to mobile data consumption and has recorded the highest mobile data consumption in the world. It has witnessed a growth of 50 times in the last five years in the voice calls and mobile data consumption. This is indicative of a deeper internet and mobile penetration.
To further bolster its efforts towards the Digital India initiative, the government has disclosed its vision of converting one lakh villages into digital villages. This will bring more villages into the ambit of the digital world. This is only the tip of the iceberg and with more support from the government, we can expect a further boost.
Being a part of the digital ecosystem, programmatic advertising will definitely experience the benefits. This looks even more promising with Artificial Intelligence (AI) becoming a focal point of the budget for Digital India. Combined with Big Data, Artificial Intelligence can help brands to uncover insights about their customers, and analyse consumer patterns with minimized human intervention.
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